May 22, 2023
Of all the simple questions I love to ask, “Can I buy you a cup of coffee?” is my favorite for two reasons. First, I love a good cup of coffee. I grew up in …
May 8, 2023
There are two types of churches: those with an outward focus and those with an inward focus. Churches with an inward focus ask this question: What can we as a church do to make me …
April 24, 2023
As church leaders, we crave inspiration. It often unites and fuels us; it empowers us to do things we had not considered or thought possible. It has the power to draw us out of the …
April 11, 2023
Appreciating volunteers begins with KNOWING them. How well do you know your volunteers? I started my job as a Volunteer Coordinator in 2020 at the height of COVID restrictions. I needed to connect and show …
March 13, 2023
I had a coach once who called me “Tough Clough.” He’d use the nickname to poke fun at me, because most people mispronounce my name. So, he used the rhyme to remember. But also, as …
March 13, 2023
I recently met a friend for coffee. As we talked, my friend said, “I’m burned out.” This happened to me several years ago, when I was planting a church in San Diego. It was exhilarating …
February 14, 2023
Many of us are noticing that our spark is dimmed, and we find moments of connection and safety harder to achieve. By “spark,” I mean the motivation we carry inside to face everyday life challenges …
February 2, 2023
I recently led a training on our ShareChurch platform with my friend and colleague Dr. Rebeca Chow, Clinical Director of Counseling Services at Resurrection. We shared ideas about how to strengthen our mental health through …
January 11, 2023
I wonder, have you ever set a resolution or goal to become more loving, kinder, more compassionate, more caring and generous, or to be a more faithful follower of Christ? Can I be honest with …
January 5, 2023
Everything about the start of a new year—the commercials, self-help books, business and growth strategies—reminds us it’s time to set our resolutions, goals, and plans. I love the new year, because it’s a fresh start. …