
Make the Most of the School Year Start with Families

July 22, 2024

A new school year is about to begin, which is an amazing opportunity to reach and connect with kids and families in your faith community who will very quickly have the following truths thrust upon …


Building a Culture of Stewardship Through Annual Campaigns

June 25, 2024

You’ve likely heard it said, or maybe even uttered these words yourself, “no one likes it when we talk about money in the church.” Yet, at the heart of every church community lies a commitment …


From Hero to Sojourner – Mission Entry Points

June 11, 2024

On any given day in Kansas City, you will find one of many generous and well-meaning churches serving food to Kansas City’s homeless. These meals are prepared by members of our congregations and served in …


When a Volunteer Isn’t Working Out: A Four Step Plan

May 24, 2024

That dreaded situation – when a volunteer isn’t meeting expectations and is potentially even creating a toxic environment for other volunteers or guests – is just no fun. But if you’re involved in managing volunteers …


3 Tips to Student Ministry Growth

April 30, 2024

Sometimes in ministry, I can get wrapped up in the weekly planning of youth group – buying supplies, picking games, sending emails. What always draws me back, though, are the three things I believe are …


3 Keys to Sustaining Volunteers for the Long Haul

April 2, 2024

Volunteers are the lifeblood of churches. Churches truly can’t function without them. They give their time, talents, and resources to support the church’s mission and to make a difference in the lives of others. We …


3 Facets of Equipping Volunteers

March 19, 2024

Equipping volunteers is essential for ensuring they have a positive experience and can serve effectively in their new roles. One of the biggest fears potential new volunteers have is that they won’t know what to …


3 Steps for Connecting a New Volunteer into the Right Role

March 5, 2024

It can be tempting, when you’re faced with lots of open volunteer roles and not enough people to fill them, to just plug open roles with warm bodies. And the truth is, we’ve all done …


Context Matters

February 20, 2024

In a previous post, I described an important type of sermon series – what we call “fishing expeditions” here at Resurrection – and the significant role they have played in our ability to reach new …


Going Fishing

February 6, 2024

In a previous post, I described an important type of sermon series we call “fishing expeditions,” the difference they have made in the life of our church, and why we would encourage any church to …

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