Suicide Prevention Resources for Worship

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National Suicide Prevention Week is a week when Americans across the country talk about suicide. These resources are an invitation for you to be a part of the solution – to be aware, to speak up, to care and to bring light and hope to those walking in darkness.

Here you will find hope-filled sermons that look to those in scripture who struggled with suicidal thoughts, share personal stories from people who have lost loved ones to suicide and learn from professionals offering guidance on how to identify and help those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts. Other worship supports include bulletins and graphics, as well as handouts to share. You will also find a discussion guide designed to give individuals and those around them the tools to make sure they’re planning, collaborating, and expending energy in a way that draws them closer together. The guide is intended not only to help families be better equipped to identify and share their emotional experiences with each other, but also to help people be more comfortable reaching out for help and more comfortable extending a hand to help others.

With the help of these resources, you can remind everyone in your reach – including yourself – that:

•You are loved by, and matter to, God.

•No pain lasts forever.

•There is always hope.

•Others can help – just ask.

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Published: September 11, 2019

Author: Adam Hamilton, others

Source: Church of the Resurrection

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