
April 29 – May 1, 2025 | Leawood, Kansas

August 14 – 21, 2025 | Wesley Heritage Trip to England

Spring 2026 | Dallas, Texas

A unique one-year mentoring program led by Adam Hamilton, Founding and Senior Pastor of Resurrection, A United Methodist Church, along with other Leading Edge Pastors and Leaders. Available for 40 United Methodist clergy under 40.


Projected costs will include:

  • $300 registration payable upon acceptance
  • Round-trip travel, lodging, and meals for Kansas City and Dallas
  • Wesley Heritage Trip – anticipated cost of approximately $4000.

Applications accepted through November 15, 2024. Candidates will be selected and notified by December 18.


  • The role of the Senior Pastor
  • Organizational and Strategic Leadership
  • Preaching and Worship
  • Caring for the Congregation
  • Discipleship Pathways
  • Mission and Community Outreach
  • Evangelism
  • Marriage, Family and Ministry
  • Self-Leadership
  • Taking a Church from 100-1000
  • Leadership and Staffing the Large Church
  • Dealing with Conflict and Criticism
  • Stewardship
  • Capital and Building Campaigns
  • Raising Up Clergy and Leading the Denomination Forward
  • Launching New Faith Communities

Participation in this transformative network is an investment in your growth and the future of the church.

If selected, you’ll receive information to help you request scholarships and grants from your Staff-Parish Relations Committee, Conference Office, and more.

What People Are Saying

The network impact can be found all over my ministry and leadership. From heathy boundaries and self care to stewardship and empowering laity, it has been one of the strongest influences on everything I do as a senior pastor. For any young pastor, this opportunity is one of the most helpful resources you will receive outside of seminary. It is an experience you cannot pass up!

Jacob Lynn

It was the experience I credit with forming me into the leader I am today. The time with successful and spiritual leaders and being able to interact with them in their home churches still informs my role as a conference NCD director.

Kim Pope-Seiberling

At the time, I was a young pastor serving my first full-time appointment, feeling overwhelmed, isolated, and alone, as many in that position do. But this network offered me hope – a hope that has sustained me to this day. If I had the chance to do it all over again, I wouldn’t hesitate! The Emerging Clergy Network was truly an opportunity of a lifetime – one that continues to bless me and those I serve, even after more than a decade.

William Nickrand

For me this was an “iron sharpens iron” type of community where my vision, passion, leadership and faith grew with each conversation and teaching. In a system where young leaders can feel very alone and often discounted, this opportunity provided connection, support and empowerment that has carried me through my ministry career and beyond.

Dave Hood

The opportunity to learn from effective leaders with track records was invaluable. And, their humility was inspiring. I have a vivid memory of Adam talking to me like I was an equal peer and not someone at the beginning of the ministry journey. It was also great to meet pastors in similar settings in other conferences. It was very encouraging to get their feedback and advice.

Stephen Walters

Being in the Network gave me the skills to serve churches in a way that helps them to recognize and respond to God’s vision for such a time as this. It also gave me connections across the United Methodist Church with young colleagues who are doing amazing Kingdom work!

Michelle Bodle

The Network was the most practical continuing education I have ever had. It prepared me for leading churches in practical and relevant ways that I am able to apply to every aspect of ministry.

B.T. Gilligan

My experience in the Network instilled in me leadership principles, decades of large church leadership wisdom, and a network of relationships and connections that I draw upon daily.

Will Lauderback

Being part of the Network gave me the courage to take risks and step boldly into new realms of ministry, reshaping my calling in ways that continually amaze me.

Rachel Billups

I went through the Network gatherings ten years ago and it’s still showing up in my ministry life today. I’m so grateful for the investment in future ministry!

Jenny Smith

Through this program, I gained deep gratitude for Adam and Mike’s mentorship, holy boldness in stewarding God-given vision, and lasting relationships with colleagues across the country.

A.J. Thomas